Friday , March 7 2025

Stunningly Useful Things That Can Be Found Only In Japan

15. A Nationwide Announcement System

Japan is covered by a vast communication system of loudspeakers that can be heard at regular intervals, proclaiming important warnings related to earthquakes and extreme weather events. They often play music for school children to exercise along too (since they are usually found at schools), and they also play a jaunty theme at the half past 5 in the evening curfew to remind children to leave the streets and go home for their suppers.

16. Sleeping at Work

The Japanese attitude to sleeping at work will seem quite upside down to you. There, it is considered a sign of good duty to be present while sleeping (inemuri), as opposed to arriving and leaving work at the hours your contract stipulates. In Japan, people do work longer hours than they are supposed to, but they are often found sleeping. The same applies at universities where students go to lectures to get attendance credit, but rarely pay attention and usually just fall sleep.

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