Saturday , December 28 2024

21 Weird Phobias You Won’t Believe Exist

15. Pentheraphobia – Fear of mother-in-laws

This is the discovery Indian bahus have been waiting for. The sufferers of this phobia have extreme fear of their mother-in-laws. Better start looking for an orphan partner then!

16. Ablutophobia – Fear of bathing

Okay, now this one is simply disgusting! But then there’s not much you can do when you are scared of having a bath, can you? People with this phobia fear bathing and washing in general. And it happens to kids and women more than men. And all this, while I thought men don’t have regular baths!

17. Chrometophobia – Fear of money

I wish everyone around me had this phobia so they’d pass all their money to me! People who have this phobia fear having excess money on them.

18. Arachibutyrophobia – Fear of peanut butter sticking to one’s palate

Yes, this phobia is for real! Simply put, people who have this fear peanut butter sticking to the palate of their mouths. Of course, the best way to avoid this phobia is to not to have any peanut butter at all. Boom! Problem solved.

19. Anatidaephobia – Fear of being watched by a duck

This is seriously funny, but it’s for real! People with this phobia fear that no matter where they are or what they are doing, a duck (yes! a duck) is watching them. No hen, no rabbit, specifically a duck. No comments.

20. Genuphobia – Fear of knees or kneeling

I’m not even surprised anymore. People who have this phobia have a fear of their own or someone else’s knees. So, no skirts and shorts basically!

21. Phobophobia – Fear of having a phobia

Finally, there’s a phobia of having phobias! People suffering from this phobia live in the fear that they might develop a phobia. Far too ironic.

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