Sometimes, those that differ from the crowd shine the brightest. This is exactly what the photos below prove, each depicting an animal or flower of unexpected colors. From a snow-white humpback whale to a toad of purple hues, nature has blessed these animals and plants with the brightest, most eye-catching colors. 1. Shiny Black Cockatoo 2. The Blue Java Banana Taste Like Vanilla Ice-Cream 3. White moose 4. Shadow turtle 5. Meet Narnia, A Rare Two-Faced Cat 6. Half-albino peacock 7. An iridescent thresher shark 8. The only known albino humpback whale on the planet 9. A golden beetle 10. A black flamingo spotted in Cyprus 11. Iridescent clouds in Siberia 12. Atelopus Barbotini, a purple toad 13. A half-red half-white rose 14. Shiny bearded dragons 15. Pumpkin snake 16. A 1 in 2,000,000 blue lobster