Wednesday , December 18 2024

15 Weird Superstitions From Around The World You Must Know About

Did your grandma ever tell you to avoid walking under a ladder? Were you ever taught to avoid black cats? If so, you know quite a lot about superstitions already, but even if you don’t, here is the perfect chance to learn more.

People can go through a great deal of effort just to avoid losing luck, and we have compiled 16 curious superstitions from all corners of the Earth.

Even if you don’t believe that avoiding the number 13 is crucial for your wellbeing and think superstitions are silly, you will still enjoy reading through this list because, frankly speaking, some of these are quite funny and entertaining.

1. If you like whistling a cheerful tune while working, or while in the shower, we should let you know that you wouldn’t get away with that in Lithuania. Whistling indoors there is forbidden, as Lithuanians believe that it can summon demons.

15 Weird Superstitions From Around The World You Must Know About

2. Did you know that Syria banned Yo-Yos in 1933? If not, you’ll be even more surprised to read why. The local population claimed that yo-yos cause droughts, so the government banned the ill-intending toy.

15 Weird Superstitions From Around The World You Must Know About

3. In Germany, it’s a faux pas to light your cigarette with a candle, especially if you’re a sailor. The explanation of this superstition is quite clever, as in Germany, sailors historically made money off matches. This meant that by ditching the matches, you were saving money at the sailors’ expense.

15 Weird Superstitions From Around The World You Must Know About

4. If you like to knit, remember to knit only indoors, unless you want to prolong winter, as in Iceland, knitting outdoors is said to postpone the beginning of spring. Just think about it, it’s a win-win situation: even if spring will be postponed, you’ll have plenty of warm socks, scarves and other clothes to get you through the winter.

15 Weird Superstitions From Around The World You Must Know About

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