Tuesday , January 7 2025

10 Secret Locations You Are Not Allowed To Visit

4. Snake Island

Located 90 miles from the city of Sao Paulo lies Snake Island – otherwise known as Ilha de Queimada Grande. The island, filled with venomous serpents has been called one of the world’s deadliest places. Scientists estimate that the 110-acre island hosts up to 4,000 snakes (that’s one snake for every six square yards). Queimada Grande is home to the Golden Lancehead, one of the most venomous vipers in the world – its venom is reported to be three to five times stronger than that of any mainland snake. Currently, the Brazilian Navy bans civilians from the island, though scientists do at times receive waivers.

3. Room 39

For the most part, North Korea is shrouded in mystery, but Room 39 is a secretive North Korean government facility home to several illegal operations, including counterfeiting $100 bills, production of drugs ( including methamphetamine and heroine) and international insurance fraud. It has been suggested that Room 39 is critical to Kim Jong Un’s continued power, enabling him to buy political support and fund North Korea’s nuclear weapons program.

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