Saturday , December 21 2024

The Top 10 National Parks In India

1. Orang National Park

The pongid parkland founded in 1999, is situated on the north bank of the Brahmaputra within the Darrang and Sonitpur districts of Assam, India.

The park covers a vicinity of seventy eight.81 km2 and is run below the joint efforts of state of India and Government of Assam.

2. Keoladeo National Park

Keoladeo park or Keoladeo ghana national park established 1982 is referred to as the Bharatpur volary in Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India could be a far-famed fauna sanctuary that hosts thousands of birds, particularly throughout the winter season.

This tremendous volary and national park has long been recognized collectively of the world’s most vital bird breeding and feeding grounds.

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