25 Before And After Photos Of Famous Cities In The World
Jakarta, Indonesia: 1960 and now
It’s hard to connect the ‘before’ photo with the ‘after’ image of Jakarta. It’s like we are looking at two completely different cities!
Abu Dhabi, UAE: 1975 and now
It seems that Abu Dhabi, unlike other cities, has become only greener with the passing years!
Nairobi, Kenya: 60s and now
The largest city in Kenya has been developing non-stop and has turned into a really spectacular city over the years.
Beijing, China: 50s and now
It’s like the city stepped out of the Middle Ages right into the hi-tech future of the 21st century. It’s a truly remarkable transformation!
Tags Abu Dhabi Argentina: Australia Beijing Berlin Boston Brazil: Buenos Aires California: Canada: Chicago China Cities Dubai Florida: Fortaleza Germany: Great Britain: Hong Kong Illinois: Indonesia: Jakarta Japan Kenya: Kuala-Lumpur LA London Malaysia: Massachusetts: Miami Mongolia: Moscow Nairobi New York Panama Russia: Seoul Singapore: South Korea: Sydney Taipei Taiwan: Tokyo Toronto Transformation UAE: Ulaanbaatar USA