Have you ever been so drunk all you could think of was “I really need a Decepticon tattoo on my ass right freaking now”? I hope not, but in case that’s exactly what you did and now regret it with every single fiber of your soul (because, obviously, you’re more of an Autobot guy) there is a way out of this mess! Chester Lee of “Oracle Tattoo Shop” in Singapore is willing to use his masterful inking skills, which has earned him over 25k followers on Instagram, to help you “cover up” your shameful drunken escapades. And, it looks way WAY better than some mere laser tattoo removal, to be honest. Instead of removing that Decepticon from your, um, rear end, Chester would add even more ink to cover it, in order to create a cool blackout effect. Some people are even using their new-found “black canvases” for tattoos that have white ink, making new intricate patterns and designs. After this trend became somewhat popular the internet blew up with all sorts of astonishing tattoo designs and clever uses of the negative space. Next time think twice before getting inked after a pub crawl. But, I suppose, they call it “blackout” for a reason…