What's the secret to having a successful relationship? A 2013 study conducted by Robert Epstein of the University of the South Pacific Fiji found it all begins with you. Epstein created a model defining a set of seven basic skills you should already have as an individual in order to have a strong, happy, and fulfilling relationship. In a 2016 replication of the study, Epstein and colleagues found that out of the seven key factors that make a good relationship, two matter the most. Chances are you already know what they are. The seven basic skills are ones you should be pretty familiar with: Communication, Conflict resolution, Knowledge of Partner, Life Skills, Self-management, Se* and Romance, and Stress Management. So, which is it? The study asked over 2,000 adults to complete a questionnaire assessing their strength in each skill and then asked them to self-rate their satisfaction with their partner. It was found those who scored high in “Communication” and “Knowledge of Partner” were the most satisfied with their partner and relationship. Communication Conflict-Resolution "I'm always ready to forgive when my partner apologizes." Life Skills "I'm always prepared for possible hard times.". Self-Management "I regularly take time to reflect on my dreams and obstacles." Stress Management "I have no trouble prioritizing." Feel like you need to work on some areas? Don't sweat it. The idea isn't that you master all seven skills before getting into a relationship. There's definitely room to grow once you're already in one — and you can even do it together.