Wednesday , January 1 2025

12 Ways You Screw Up Your Own Relationship And Don’t Even Know It

11. You use social media as a punching bag

Social media is supposed to be for entertainment – not a punching bag for relationship woes. Throwing hints on social networking channels that there is trouble brewing in your relationship is a sure fire way to piss off your partner, not to mention how it makes your self-respect and dignity take a hit. Rambling on social media could put the “rambler” in a catch 22 situation – while venting is damaging, making tall claims about the relationship is not wise either. Several studies have shown that excessive social media expression is inversely proportional to how happy a couple is – the happiest couples are the quietest, and the ones constantly making a show have undercurrents of trouble in the relationship. After all, what’s great just is – it does not need show, proof and external validation. So when it comes to social media, let the silence sing through!

12. You forget how to let go and have fun

It is only natural for us to feel like life is mundane, monotonous, boring and like a rut. But don’t let this feeling seep into your relationship.

Make a genuine effort to have fun with your partner – behave childlike, laugh, be silly, plan an offbeat holiday together. Do whatever it takes to introduce freshness, romance, passion and laughter back into your relationship, because each time you do, you’re re-introducing a fresh dose of renewed love back into it. As someone rightly said, ‘Love is being stupid together’.

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