Monday , December 23 2024

10 Ways An Indian Woman Is Expected To Change After Marriage

10 Ways An Indian Woman Is Expected To Change After Marriage-OMG!

Are there any way out for these changes?
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While all us modern urban women are screaming women’s rights off rooftops and fighting for equality, the harsh truth is that we constitute hardly a bit of the population. Most Indian girls in rural areas and tier II cities, and even some urban areas, continue to be forced into traditional customs and “beliefs” post marriage. Here’s the unfortunate truth of a woman’s life post marriage in India.

1. Shackles on freedom.

2. Mornings change.

3. Bargain at Chandni Chowk v/s bargain with the subzi wala.

4. From hotel dinners to the family cook.

5. Scrub-a-dub.

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