3. Offer her a drink only after you’ve spoken to her for a minimum of 10 minutes
The whole notion of sending drinks over to a girl you like, doesn’t work. We’d just turn it back. Why? 1) We feel like we owe you something if we accept a free drink and 2) We will never drink it because it might be spiked. So it’s better if you offer a drink after establishing some sort of connection and clarifying that you aren’t infact a misogynist or a predator.
4. Don’t ask her for her number, either ask her for an email id or just look her up on Facebook and send her a request
Never ask her number. That’s the rule. Because remember she isn’t that easy that she’ll give it to you. Leave a few things to chance. Tell her you’ll look her up on Facebook and if she liked talking to you, only then she should accept the request. Atleast this way, you’re being a gentleman and leaving the ball in her court to decide.