Friday , March 7 2025

Wives Of The World’s Top 8 Biggest Dictators

Eva Braun, ‘for less than 40 hours’ wife of Adolf Hitler

The existence of the mistress and subsequently wife of the most evil dictator of the 20th century, Adolf Hitler, was one of the biggest secrets of Nazi Germany. This secrecy was kept for more than 12 years. What do we know about Eva Braun? According to Hitler’s chauffeur, she was “the unhappiest woman in Germany”.

Well, it’s no surprise with a beloved one like Adolf, who spent most of his free time killing Jews, annexing the territories of foreign countries and trying to subjugate the entire world. While on subject, Hitler’s previous mistress ended their relationships by killing herself, I guess that was the only option. Eva, herself, also tried to commit a suicide twice, but unsuccessfully (from a technical point of view, as she stayed alive).

Long years of emotional tension payed off for Eva, when the couple wed on April 29, 1945. But the newlyweds were not destined to live a long life in marriage, since the couple followed the example of Romeo and Juliet, and committed a double suicide the following day. The third attempt was successful for Braun, as well as it was for Adolf. What did this story teach us? Two things: 1 – bad boys need love too, 2 – if you want to surround yourself with love and happiness, the radical dictator, who preaches hatred and encourages mass murder is not your best option.

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One comment

  1. ogn dulk

    Why is Melania not on the list?

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