Saturday , March 15 2025

9 Things Only Social Media Stalkers Will Relate To

3. You are the ultimate go-to person if your friends need an update on anyone’s life.

If your friend wants to find information about anyone, then you take to social media and pura chitta you take out, from present to what he/she did 5 years ago. You friends know that you are the only person absolutely perfect for the job!

4. You are curious about anything and everything about everyone. Level 101!

There’s no doubt about it. You don’t leave relatives of a friend’s relative or friends of friends and their friends. The stalking goes to a different level all together. You are so curious that you want to know what the other person had for breakfast, what outfit he/she wore and where they are heading next!

5. The first thing you do after you wake up is check people’s status’ and profile pictures. And, even the last thing at night.

The moment you wake up, social media platforms is the first thing you check. After all, you love the gossip of what’s happening in and around you. Well, you might argue that it’s not called gossiping but being aware of your surroundings.

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