All of us keep getting our hands dirty all the time, although unconsciously. Touching unhygienic places, shaking hands with so many people, squeezing or coughing on our hands and holding stuff that had previously been in a lot of other people’s hand, who may or may not be diseased- these are some of the few ways we can get germs on our hands. These can ultimately be detrimental to our health as we can easily catch viral diseases. The majority of the people do not care to wash their hands before eating, hence inviting diseases. Obviously no one can carry a bar of soap and water everywhere with them to wash their hands clean of such germs. Instead of that, you can carry a small bottle of sanitizer with yourself everywhere. Just squeeze some on your hands and rub them together and you will get rid of all germs.
Struck by a catastrophe or a wardrobe function of any sort, these are the things that will save the day for you. Keep them in your purse or handbag, wherever you are going. Be it a office, school or a trip, you can lose a button, you can lose the lock of your necklace, your handbag’s zip may stop functioning properly or you simply may need to fix your scarf anytime. They come in all sizes- small, medium and large- so that you can use them according to the magnitude of the harm. If you are a young working lady or a housewife with children to take care of, always keep them near your reach, for you could need them anytime.
We all love our earrings, don’t we? Our collection has earrings in all shapes (round, studs, long ones that are usually dangling from our earlobes) and sizes (big, small, medium) and all are precious. Some are expensive, other less so. But there are a selective few that are the dearest to you for different reasons. It may be an important gift by an important figure in your life, or as it usually happens with all females, a certain type that suits you at all times (you see, if one can carry studs like Marilyn Monroe, the other may not be able to). And there are some that go with almost every piece in your wardrobe, therefore, have become your signature. So losing them is a big deal. You can hardly ever replace the beautiful little thing with something else. To make sure you don’t lose them (the irony is, they are very easy to lose), always keep extra earring backs to secure them on your ears.
With the advent of technology and nearly every work being carried out on laptops and PC or important work being saved here, the need to have all your data with yourself at all times has become obligatory. The chances of losing your work, your laptop getting damaged internally, or presenting work anywhere, are high. The invention of USB flash drive has made life easier. Now, instead of carrying your laptop everywhere with you, all you need to do is carry this portable device that is not even half as heavy as the laptop. Also, if (God forbid) you have an important presentation at college or office, and your laptop stops functioning properly, you will not have to face immense stress and humiliation, if you save all your work here.