Monday , January 6 2025

Simple Ways To Feel More Confident In Yourself

6. Go for a run

Your body is a magnificent thing, so obviously you want to take care of it — and it’ll reward you with some much-needed endorphins. Even if you’re not a natural runner, you’ll be surprised how much easier it gets if you put the time and dedication in. You’ll impress yourself so much by the milestones you’ll create, and it’ll start becoming a little therapeutic. Start slow, don’t forget the sunscreen, and feel instantly better about yourself.

7. Stop slouching

We all slouch on occasion. Personally, my posture is all out of whack due to being one of the taller kids back in school. But, now I’m adult, and realize that my “natural” posture makes me look like I’m not proud of anything I’ve ever accomplished. It’s true that standing up straight can definitely give you a small boost of confidence, and hey — if you start working on your posture now, you’ll likely avoid a lot of back issues later. You can’t lose.

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