Friday , December 27 2024

11 Things To Relate If You Are A Nice Person But With Nasty Temper

We all lose our cool from time to time. The world around us doesn’t help things either. But are you someone who loses your cool way too quickly? Are you prone to getting annoyed at the smallest things? If you answered these questions in the affirmative without a moment’s hesitation, , then you will relate to these 11 things.

1. You snap a lot only to regret it soon after

11 Things To Relate If You Are A Nice Person But With Nasty Temper

As much as you would like to have a filter installed inside your head, your snapping is not your most admirable trait. You soon regret your mistake and blame it on a ‘bad day’, which is literally five days out of the week.

2. It’s very easy to trigger you

11 Things To Relate If You Are A Nice Person But With Nasty Temper

You may appear cool-as-a-cucumber but when rubbed the wrong way, your pressure points give in. It’s so easy to trigger you that you speed up from getting mad to exhibiting murderous rage. And you often wonder: is it me or is everyone deliberately trying to push my buttons?

3. Mentally counting one to ten never helps

11 Things To Relate If You Are A Nice Person But With Nasty Temper

Neither does squishing the smiley ball in your hand. In fact, nothing you do works. You usually give up by the time you reach… 4 and god save us all, nothing annoys you more than counting to hundred.

4. You are torn between playing nice and lashing out

11 Things To Relate If You Are A Nice Person But With Nasty Temper

When someone gets under your skin, you often wonder – should I play nice or unleash my wrath upon this person? The struggle is real, and it clouds your judgement. And before you know it, you have sent the poor guy whimpering into a corner.

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