Friday , December 27 2024

Things You Need To Stop Giving A Shit About

4. Keeping in touch with old friends

There has to be at least one time a friend has tried to guilt-trip you into thinking you don’t work at keeping in touch. What most fail to realise is that you two have matured into totally different individuals with completely different expectations from life. How else do you explain the almost zero contact now anyway. That said, it’s nothing to be sad about. If you care enough, you’ll work on the friendship but if you feel otherwise, may be it’s time to acknowledge this fact and let go.

5. “Am I ‘adulting’ alright?”

There was a time when 30-year-olds living with their parents was frowned upon. Not that it should’ve mattered even then, there’s a reason why it’s happening now. A dearth of lucrative jobs, expensive higher education, hell, even getting into an Ivy League college.., all on top of a pile of expectations you have for yourself – travelling, writing a novel, becoming this amazing photographer – makes ‘adulting’ a little tougher than it should be. The best thing you can do is remain focussed, find a goal and work each day on getting closer to it. Everything else will follow. You have your entire life to see it work.

6. “May be I don’t have enough friends”

Since when was that a bad thing? It’s always a good thing to meet new people, each inspiring in their own way, and if you manage to make friends out of them, even better. On the flip side, if you just have just a handful, that can be kinda cool too (reference: keeping it real).

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