Friday , January 10 2025

20 Amazing Facts To Raise Your Knowledge

19. Falling in Your Dream Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Does

20 Amazing Facts To Raise Your Knowledge

When you feel as though you are falling in a dream, it actually comes from the brain falling asleep too quickly, and it basically assumes that it is dying. There is a part of your brain that is essentially responsible for waking you up. Sometimes it wakes up a bit faster, or it falls asleep a little faster than the rest of your dream. In addition, the common dream of being paralyzed is also related to this body-brain disconnect.

20. Sound Doesn’t (Really) Travel in Space

There are simply no molecules in space for sound to vibrate between. Technically there are molecules – but they’re spread so far apart that a sound’s vibration is unable to reach them. The result is a really low frequency that’s barely discernible. So, basically, in space, no one can hear you scream.

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