Friday , December 27 2024

11 Really Cool Things You Probably Didn’t Know Were Invented By Women

7. Medical syringe

All the people working in the scientific arena are doing a great job. So much so that we have cures for many lethal diseases today. But do you ever wonder who invented injections? It was a woman named Letitia Geer who invented a medical syringe that could be operated with only one hand in 1899. Do remember her the next time your doctor injects you with only one hand.

8. Refrigerator

We can’t survive without a refrigerator today and we have Florence Parpart to thank for it. It was her, who invented the modern electric refrigerator in 1914. In 1900, Parpart also received a patent for a vastly improved street-cleaning machine, which she marketed and sold to cities across America.

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