Thursday , March 27 2025

11 Of The World’s Most Dangerous Special Forces

3. National Gendarmerie Intervention Group (GIGN), France

From rescuing school children in Djibouti to capturing war criminals in Bosnia, this deadly task force has done it all. The force, which saw its origin following the 1972 Munich Olympics hostage massacre, is one of the deadliest groups in the world. They have the slickest training regime known and are prepared to take down the Somali pirates with ease. Following their motto “To save lives without regard for one’s own,” GIGN is known to hunt down any threat to the nation and its people. This 200-strong unit keeps a low profile and it’s even against French law to publish pictures of their faces.

One of the most courageous acts in GIGN’s history was the seizure of Grand Mosque in Mecca in 1979. Extremist insurgents took over Masjid al-Haram in Mecca to overthrow the House Of Saud. GIGN joined Saudi forces, but due to the prohibition on non-Muslims entering the holy city, a team of three GIGN commandos briefly converted to Islam and helped plan the recapture of the mosque.

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