Friday , December 27 2024

Effective Home Remedies To Treat Ear Wax

What You Shouldn’t Do

Firstly, don’t fall into the trap of thinking that digging every last bit of wax out of your ear constantly is an indicator of good personal hygiene. Remember that ear wax has its uses and removing it excessively can cause your ear canal to dry out. However, if it accumulates in excess, it can cause discomfort and even pain. It is in these circumstances that you need to take action.

Effective Home Remedies To Treat Ear Wax

The other big ‘NO’ is the use of homemade poking and scraping devices down your ear hole. Q-Tips, bobby pins, pencils and any other similar instruments are NOT suitable for cleaning your ears, no matter how many times you might have used them in the past. Although you may see remnants of wax on your Q-Tip after you have had a good rummage down your ear, you will more than likely have pushed other clumps further into your ear canal. Additionally, if you prod down too far then you could cause serious damage to the inner ear.

Signs You Need to Take Action

Since you don’t need to constantly clean the wax out of your ears, what are the signs that you have an excessive buildup that you need to deal with? Different ears produce different amounts of wax. It may be that you know from past experience that you are likely to have excess wax. There are a number of other signs that can indicate a problem too:

Strangely muffled hearing
Tinnitus or ringing noises in ear
Itchy ears
Odor and noticeable, moist discharge
An uncomfortable sensation of ‘fullness’ in the ear

You can buy ear drops and wax removal kits or visit your doctor, but the answer to your problems can also be found in natural remedies you can make in your own home. Here are some that have proved useful to many:

N.B. – Please note that these remedies should not be used if you have an ear infection, hearing loss or a severe earache.

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