Friday , March 14 2025

7 Ways You Can Take Good Care Of Your Teeth

Just like any other part of your body, your teeth require your attention and proper care. If a visit to the dentist is not something you enjoy, it is essential that you care for your teeth all the more, preventing dental decay. To enjoy long-lasting, strong and healthy teeth, Keep the following tips in mind:

1. Change your eating habits

7 Ways You Can Take Good Care Of Your Teeth

Changing your eating habits and switching to a healthy diet will help boost your health, no matter what your goal is. A study published in the British Medical Journal suggests that a change in diet can actually reverse tooth decay. Consumption of products rich in sugar leads to tooth decay, and, furthermore, the phytic acid can block the absorption of calcium.

An ideal diet for your teeth will ensure that you get enough calcium. It’s the main building block of your bones and teeth. You should also drink unsweetened beverages and avoid sodas, juices, and fizzy drinks. You can try simple water, fruit smoothies, and unsweetened tea. Water is ideal and has a number of positive effects on the body, including increased hydration and a higher flow of saliva.

2. Chew sugarless gum

Chewing sugarless gum can actually help you prevent tooth decay. Most sugarless gums contain a component called xylitol, a natural sweetener. But, unlike food, it does not lead to the growth of bacteria in your mouth. In addition, when you chew, your mouth fills with saliva that can naturally wash off food remains.

3. Clean and change your toothbrush regularly

7 Ways You Can Take Good Care Of Your Teeth

Pick a small or medium-sized brush, ensuring that the bristles can reach into the crevices of your molars where food remains can hide after you eat. Be sure to rinse your brush with water after each use and leave it to air dry. And don’t leave your brush in the same room as your toilet since fecal bacteria may end up on it. Your toothbrush should also be changed regularly.

4. Follow basic dental care routine

Almost 42% of adults use just a toothbrush for their oral care. But, if you want to protect your teeth from early decay, be sure to brush your teeth for two minutes, twice a day. Try to brush all the surfaces of your teeth, reaching to the farthest corners. Floss your teeth to pull out remaining food from underneath your gums and try to get the germs stuck there. Use a mouthwash. A mouthwash has antibacterial effects that help get rid of any remaining bacteria in your mouth.

5. Visit your dentist for regular cleanings

7 Ways You Can Take Good Care Of Your Teeth

While regular visits to the dentist are unpleasant, it’s always better to prevent a problem rather than treating it after it has formed. No matter how well you brush or floss your teeth, there will always be areas that are hard to reach. A dentist will clean near the gum line on the back and front of your teeth to remove any plaque and tartar. Regular cleaning is an important step in the fight against cavities.

6. Add supplements to your diet

One other thing you can do to help your saliva fight dental plaque is to take vitamins that are essential for establishing the good health of your teeth. For proper salivation you must consume foods rich in fiber – this includes fruits, nuts, and vegetables, the best being apples, bananas, Brussels sprouts, and peas. Whole grain foods contain a lot of vitamin B and iron. In addition, whole grains contain magnesium, a mineral that helps absorb calcium and strengthen your teeth. You should also eat seafood more often if you want to get more vitamin D from your meals – opt for salmon, herrings, canned tuna, and sardines.

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