Home> Food > 10 Food Names You Need To Stop Mispronouncing 10 Food Names You Need To Stop Mispronouncing
Do you often find yourself in a situation where you get embarrassed for pronouncing food names wrong? Worry not, because we’re here to help you out. Goodbye incorrect-food-name-pronunciation. 1. Bruschetta
What you say: broo-sch-etta The correct way to say it: broo-sket-tuh 2. Ferrero Rocher
What you say: Ferrero-ro-shar The correct way to say it: Furrero-ro-shey 3. Chardonnay
What you say: char-doh-ney The correct way to say it: shar-doh-nay 4. Espresso
What you say: X-presso The correct way to say it: ess-press-oh 5. Jalapeños
What you say: Ja-la-penos The correct way to say it: hala-pey-nyos 6. Fajita
What you say: Fuh-jee-taah The correct way to say it: Fuh-hee-tuh
Tags Bruschetta Chardonnay Croissant Espresso Fajita Ferrero Rocher Fondant Food Names Jalapeños Mispronounce Quinoa Zuchchini