Friday , January 10 2025

9 Celebrities Who Are Battling With Chronic Diseases

Pamela Anderson

This gorgeous Baywatch star was truly unlucky during one tattoo session when she shared a needle with Tommy Lee, her ex-husband. She contracted Hepatitis C from the tattoo needle, and has been struggling from the liver disease ever since. Pamela Anderson has made everything possible to raise awareness about the safety of tattoo practices.

Angelina Jolie

It has become a real shocker for billions of fans all across the globe when Angelina Jolie released her announcement in The New York Times back in 2013. It turned out that the actress carried a mutation in the BRCA1 gene and had undergone a double mastectomy because of it. This mutation increases the risk of breast cancer development in women. Jolie’s raised the awareness of the role genetic mutations play in breast cancer. Scientists have even called it ‘the Angelina effect’.

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