Saturday , March 8 2025

Crazy Animals Found In South America

We recently got back from South America and we saw some crazy animals during our adventures! I shared one post earlier, and there were so many animals that I couldn’t have posted them all in one article! So here is round 2 of the cool things we saw in South and Central America! I have created and posted below a video compilation of all the cool animals as well! Enjoy!

Looks like he’s on fire! Quick somebody get some water!

Crazy Animals Found In South America

Saddle-back Tamarin, aka Tiny Bandits!

Crazy Animals Found In South America

Spot the frog! This little guy was no bigger than your pinky nail!

Crazy Animals Found In South America

Look who just wandered in….

Crazy Animals Found In South America

He doesn’t even know he’s adorable!

Crazy Animals Found In South America

Land planaria anyone?

Crazy Animals Found In South America

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