Sometimes our pets can impress us with their profound genius when they pick up a new trick with ease or solve one of their silly little problems in a flash. But other times, well, let's just say it's a good thing they're so cute. These hilarious animals are having a hard time figuring out the simple things in life, but it's just too funny to correct them. 1. I bet it makes perfect sense to the little guy. Reddit / timeintheocean 2. Nap in the air-conditioned home? Nah, he'd rather chill in 100-degree weather...on a hot sleeping bag. Imgur / balhub 3. "This is my home now." Reddit / Bara_Chat 4. Just working on that winning smile. Reddit / draggles 5. Well, I guess if he's comfortable... Reddit / Txmedic 6. "Wha...what just happened?" YouTube 7. "I fetched!" Reddit / Cambron19 8. "Why are you throwing things at me???" Reddit / flickerstop 9. "This new bed is a little weird, but it smells good." Reddit / Quivis 10. "This is so much fun!" Reddit / dragonslayerr 11. Nice try, springy thingy, but this guy isn't believing any of your evil, evil lies. Reddit / youruncleteabag 12. He thinks he's stuck outside. Reddit / leighaeroe 13. The hammock just wasn't snug enough. Reddit / bbeony540 14. That's not how couches work, buddy. Reddit / queenOFtheKITTIES 15. "Why is everyone laughing at my awesome hat?" Reddit / realjefftaylor 16. "Uh, it's the latest in cat fashion, okay?" Reddit / dirtloving_treehuggr 17. There's water in his bowl, but he'd rather stare this cup down. Reddit / phlox087 18. Maybe he just really wanted bunk beds. Reddit / ammuench 19. "Brother! How are you breathing in there??" Reddit / MyLittleGirl 20. "Schrödinger who?" Reddit / GallowBoob 21. "You're me...But I'm me..." Reddit / braunsicle 22. "Holy crap, I have x-ray vision." Reddit / little-feet 23. "These stairs are weird." Reddit / Jew_Monkey 24. Well, at least she's ready for accidents. Reddit / Curtofthehorde 25. "Shut up and drive, jerk." Reddit / louiebaur They're trying so hard but just...nope. Poor guys. Maybe they'll figure this crazy world out one of these days, but in the meantime, I'd rather have snuggles over a high IQ.