Monday , March 17 2025

20 Animals That Cause The Most Human Deaths Every Year

8. Elephants

These beasts weigh in at 7,000 kilograms and reach a height of about 4 meters, making them the world’s largest land animal. Elephants are extremely dangerous when provoked, and have been known to trample a rhinoceros or two to death. They are responsible for an estimated 500 deaths per year.

7. Crocodiles

Crocodiles are huge and extremely dangerous killing machines. Sitting at the top of the food chain, they have been known to eat everything from water buffalo to sharks. In order to kill their prey, crocodiles make use of a technique known as the “death roll”, where they relentlessly flip their prey over and over in the water until it drowns and is torn apart. Around 1000-25000 people are killed each year by crocodiles.

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