Thursday , December 26 2024

A Biologist Repopulates Rare Butterfly Species In His Own Backyard

The California pipevine swallowtail butterfly was once a species close to extinction. Now, thanks to California Academy of Sciences aquatic biologist, Tim Wong, the butterfly species is repopulated again.

The biologist built a greenhouse for the butterflies in his own backyard. It had all the perfect conditions for butterflies to grow – sunlight, temperature fluctuations, and an occasional nice breeze. He also learned that the butterflies only feed on one plant – the California pipevine, which was pretty hard to track down. After a while, Wong found the plant in a botanical garden, which allowed him to take a few clippings of the plant. Once his butterfly paradise was built, Wong transported 20 caterpillars to it and let them grow. Now, around 3 years later, his butterfly home is thriving, and he’s not stopping yet!

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The California pipevine swallowtail butterfly was disappearing

Until biologist Tim Wong decided to repopulate it in his back yard

The butterflies only feed on one plant – the California pipevine, so Wong transplanted it into his yard

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